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Tarot Reading

Instant and Accurate Predictions

No kundali required. Tarot does not require birthdate, location or time of birth. Therefore the predictions can be made quickly. Today, more and more business whizzes, celebrities, tycoons & powerful leaders trust Tarot because they prefer quick decisions and quicker results. 

What is Tarot?

Tarot is the most popular and powerful predictive tool in the Western world. It consists of a deck of cards that is used for predictive and advisory purposes. In the presence of a qualified Tarot reader, all you got to do is narrate your question and pick the cards in a specific order. The Tarot reader examines, analyses and meditates over the cards and offers a solution. There and there!

Tarot is a deck of cards and the cards are used for predictive and advisory purposes. A querant is a person having question in mind. The vibrations of querant’s hands match with the vibrations of the cards that he/she picks out from the deck. The integrity of vibrations is such that the cards amazingly, unerringly speak the truth.

The Dr Gauri Advantage

Dr Gauri is a very renowned and experienced Vedic astrologer (Jyotish Bhaskar) and concludes Tarot is an extremely effective way to provide spot solutions as well as long term answers. Dr Gauri brings in a great deal of integration and logic to the process of reading Tarot cards. Her additional experience in Reiki (she is a Grandmaster) positively heightens her sensitivity and focus. She makes use of various Tarot spreads for different kind of situations in life. With Dr Gauri as a Tarot reader, it is possible to have accurate predictions for current situations and also the precise solution.

Additionally, Dr Gauri can help you develop your personality using Tarot cards since you will know your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your weaknesses only makes you stronger. Besides you can strengthen your weaknesses in time. Tarot is useful for improving personal or business/professional relations. The results and rate of success is unimaginably high.

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